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Space Maintainers

Preserve Smiles, Maintain Spaces

Even though baby teeth are destined to be replaced, it’s crucial for parents to actively safeguard their child’s oral health. These primary teeth play a vital role in speech development, proper chewing, and maintaining the necessary space for the eventual emergence of permanent teeth.

Typically appearing around 6 months of age, baby teeth naturally fall out at different stages during childhood. In instances where a baby tooth is lost prematurely due to factors such as decay, injury, or accidents, pediatric dentists might advise the use of a space maintainer. This device helps retain the gap created by the missing tooth, preventing any potential misalignment issues.

Space Maintainers


The Advantages of Space Maintainers

Losing a baby tooth prematurely can lead to various dental complications, but one often overlooked consequence is the potential shifting of adjacent teeth. This movement can disrupt the alignment of permanent teeth and result in long-term oral health issues. Fortunately, the use of space maintainers offers a proactive solution to this common problem, ensuring proper tooth development and alignment in children.

Are space maintainers necessary?

Yes, space maintainers are often necessary, especially in pediatric dentistry. When a child loses a baby tooth prematurely due to decay or injury, a space maintainer helps preserve the gap until the permanent tooth erupts. Without a space maintainer, nearby teeth may drift into the vacant space, causing misalignment issues that can affect the child's bite and overall dental health. By maintaining proper spacing, space maintainers support the natural alignment of teeth, minimizing the need for orthodontic treatment later on. Overall, they play a crucial role in promoting healthy dental development in children.



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