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+971 50 736 7657






#1003, Myo Aesthetics Medical Center ,
Rigga Business Center, Al Rigga, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates

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Unlock Your Best Smile with Myobrace: Shaping Smiles, Transforming Lives!

Myobrace is a dental appliance designed to address issues related to improper jaw and teeth alignment, often associated with conditions like malocclusion and crowded teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Myobrace focuses on correcting the underlying causes of these problems by encouraging natural growth and development of the jaws. It works by promoting proper oral habits, such as correct tongue posture and breathing through the nose, which can help improve facial symmetry and prevent the need for more invasive orthodontic treatments later in life. Myobrace is often used in children and teenagers as part of a comprehensive approach to orthodontic care, aiming to achieve lasting results and optimal oral health.


Achieve Natural Teeth Alignment for Your Child.

Myobrace offers a proactive approach to orthodontic care, targeting the root causes of misaligned teeth before they necessitate braces or extractions. Rather than waiting until permanent teeth emerge, Myobrace intervenes early, promoting healthy jaw and facial development. Ideal for children between the ages of 3 and 15, it fosters proper alignment and avoids future orthodontic issues.

How does Myobrace work?

Myobrace works by addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth and poor jaw development in children. It utilizes a series of oral appliances designed to correct oral habits such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, and incorrect swallowing patterns. By encouraging proper oral posture and muscle function, Myobrace helps guide the teeth into alignment and promotes healthy jaw growth. This pre-orthodontic treatment aims to address issues early on, often reducing the need for braces or extractions later in life.


Benefits of Myobrace

  • Straightens the teeth
  • Corrects poor oral habits
  • Develops & aligns the jaws
  • Enhances facial development
  • Improves overall health
  • Promotes healthy eating habits

Myobrace Treatment Stages

  • Habit Correction
  • Arch Development
  • Dental Alignment
  • Retention


What makes Myobrace effective?

Myobrace is effective due to its early intervention approach, focusing on guiding jaw and facial growth in children. It utilizes removable appliances to train muscles, correct tongue posture, and address underlying causes of malocclusion. By taking a functional and holistic approach to orthodontic treatment, Myobrace promotes better overall oral health and patient compliance, leading to stable and long-lasting results.




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