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+971 50 736 7657






#1003, Myo Aesthetics Medical Center ,
Rigga Business Center, Al Rigga, Dubai,
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General Anesthesia For Kids

We Simplify Dental Care for Your Little Ones.

Discomfort in the mouth or a tooth infection can impact children at any age, necessitating the use of sedation or anesthesia to provide the necessary care.

Dental procedures can be conducted using general anesthesia, commonly referred to as GA, to induce a controlled state of sleep in the child. GA ensures the absence of awareness, pain, or movement during the procedure, enabling the pediatric dentist to carry out the required treatments effectively.

The recommendation for treatments under GA is made by your child’s dentist only when truly necessary, with all other options explored and deemed ineffective.

General Anesthesia For Kids

When Is General Anesthesia Necessary in Dentistry?

  • When the child is too young to cooperate during the treatment.
  • In cases where the treatment is lengthy, complex, or extensive, involving multiple cavities, for example.
  • When the child experiences dental anxiety, and alternative forms of sedation prove ineffective.
  • If the child has special needs or other health problems that require additional support during dental procedures.

As a parent, here's what you can expect:

  • Your child's dentist will explain why the treatment is best with general anesthesia.
  • They'll discuss the procedure in detail and address all your concerns.
  • You and your child will meet the anesthesiologist before booking.
  • A physical evaluation will ensure your child's readiness for treatment.
  • You'll receive instructions to prepare your child and follow post-procedure guidelines.

A Procedure that is Safe and Effective

General anesthesia is widely regarded as a safe and effective procedure in modern medicine. Administered by trained professionals, it ensures patients undergo surgeries and medical interventions comfortably and without pain. Advanced monitoring technology and rigorous safety protocols further enhance its reliability. With meticulous care and attention, general anesthesia continues to be a trusted practice, prioritizing patient well-being during procedures.




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