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#1003, Myo Aesthetics Medical Center ,
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Preserve your newfound grin for eternity.

Retainers play a crucial role in orthodontic treatment by maintaining the alignment of teeth after braces or other orthodontic appliances have been removed.


What are Retainers:

  • Retainers are custom-made orthodontic devices designed to hold teeth in their corrected positions after the removal of braces or other orthodontic appliances.
  • They help prevent the teeth from shifting back to their original positions during the stabilization phase of orthodontic treatment.


Types of Retainers:

  • Hawley Retainers: These are traditional removable retainers with a combination of acrylic and metal wires. Hawley retainers are adjustable and can be personalized with various colors and designs.
  • Clear Plastic Retainers (Essix Retainers): These retainers are made of transparent plastic and are nearly invisible. They cover the entire arch of teeth and are removable.
  • Bonded Retainers: Also known as fixed or permanent retainers, these are wires bonded to the back of the front teeth. They are not visible and provide constant support.

Importance of Retainers:

  • Maintaining Alignment
  • Stabilizing Bone and Tissues
  • Preventing Relapse

When to Wear Retainers:

  • The initial phase of wearing retainers is often full-time, gradually transitioning to nighttime wear as directed by the orthodontist.
  • Consistent wear, especially during the first few months, is crucial for preventing any unwanted tooth movement.


Retainer Care:

  • Cleaning: Removable retainers should be cleaned daily with a toothbrush and mild soap or non-alcoholic mouthwash.
  • Storage: When not in use, retainers should be stored in their case to prevent damage or loss.
  • Avoiding Heat and Harsh Chemicals: Retainers should be kept away from heat sources and harsh chemicals to avoid warping or damage.

Duration of Retainer Wear:

  • The duration of retainer wear varies from patient to patient. Some individuals may need to wear retainers for a few months, while others may need them indefinitely.
  • Regular check-ups with the orthodontist will determine when it's appropriate to reduce wear time.



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